"BP Oil Spill Crisis No Excuse For Trashing Obama" by v. johns
As you may well know, even with national issues unfolding and having immediate local effects, I prefer to focus solely on Florida-specific issues. With news of this sort unfolding and changing daily, I’m not even gonna bother spending much time on things like the BP Oil Spill Disaster except to say… We WERE warned.
The warnings were clear, but OH NO, you –- you as in WE the American people -- were so concerned about God, guns and gays that you failed to be truly eternally vigilant and keep abreast of all the lies that the “free market idiots” were shoving past your nose and now down your throat and now onto OUR beaches. You were so busy keeping up with the Kardashians and buying homes and Hummers you couldn’t afford, all while thumbing your nose up at other less fortunate people, that you failed to see the possibility of all that has transpired thus far, including the current and tragic Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster.
Now that the Bush years have come and gone, NOW YOU -– you meaning “ideological purists” and those who follow you -- want government to work? Now that YOUR constituents, which you have mislead and used and lied to about government’s real role, are woefully and clearly in some real, cold-hard livelihood and culture-destroying trouble, you’re yelling and screaming for a government, that YOU have helped to cripple, to pull a rabbit out of a hat? And some of you, leaders and followers, are so shameless and vile that you only want government to work for people who look and smell and walk and talk… like you. Some of you would rather that we all ride in horse carriages on dirt roads than to see minorities, women, gays, the elderly –- you name it -- advance in this nation and do THEIR DUTY to CONTRIBUTE to this freakin' society as all are required to do…
…And this is by no means an assault on the good people whose lives are affected by this tragedy, but a statement of utter anger disgust, on my part, on how sorry we as Americans have become that we can allow politicians and corporations to get away with destroying the standards and practices that MAKE us who we are… Americans…
I’m no sage, but it doesn’t really take one to see that the tragic and fatal Deepwater Horizon platform explosion and oil spill disaster, along with its Wall Street meltdown corollary, are only, quite possibly, the beginning of a long line of free market foul ups that have threatened to undo the fabric of American society. All this time we’ve been told that the government is some big, bad far off entity with no real role in American life –- and believe me, it DOES feel that way sometimes -- only to witness the same dammed people telling us this garbage RUNNING FOR OFFICE to make careers for themselves… IN GOVERNMENT… for the sole purpose of enriching themselves and their friends at OUR expense.
Picture me telling you that the Worldwide Web or the Internet is of no value, and damning it to hell daily, while using it all along to enrich myself and gain unfair advantages over you amid your ignorance and lack of maintenance and use OF it! Is THIS what these so-called Tea Party folks want? Is THIS what the so-called “Republican rank and file” and their “Conserva-Dem” water boys and bitches want? When will we -– WE meaning “Americans” --finally realize and understand that -– at least in theory -- WE ARE THE DAMN GOVERNMENT, and that it is our DUTY, one way or the other, to remain vigilant and engaged and to ensure that the right people, PUBLIC SERVANTS FROM AMONGST OURSELVES, not simply “Democrats” or “Republicans,” are elected to CARRY OUT OUR WILL via the mechanism to enact our will that we call… government?
Sadly, with the kinds of people we are producing in our society these days –- selfish, cold, detached, desensitized, antsy, addicted, criminal, over-stimulated, etc. -– it may be untold generations before we can truly recover from the pangs of backwardness, moral or otherwise, that the Bush years hath spawned. While I’m just as miffed and puzzled about Obama’s handling of the BP oil spill crisis, there’s no way in hell I’m going to punish him for my frustration and bewilderment by voting for his opponents and detractors, come the next election, KNOWING that these people not only wish to see him fail, but quite possibly, may actually wish to see the whole damn country… fail! Such free-roaming ignorance and malice can only seemingly exist in a country as open and free as ours.
While party affiliation seems to matter less these days, it has become clear to me that not only has Conservatism essentially failed, it has become a one-way pipeline for greed, prejudice, anger and fear. While the Democrats and Liberals are not without fault, the Republican Party, and their Conservative-before-American filth, has nauseously and shamelessly allowed itself to become the party of greed, prejudice, anger and fear.Their awfully contagious “exclusive club” mentality and divisionary tactics have fouled our air and soiled our spirits.
Don’t let the corporate puppets fool you… Their aim is still the same… To bankrupt their own damn country at the expense of their own fellow Americans for their own personal gain. While I sometimes – sometimes -- trust Democrats about as much as I trust Republicans, this CURRENT CROP of Republicans trouble me and are quite possibly the most dangerous and ignorant people on the face of planet at this time. So, unless and until their party acquires the competency and tone of one of my heroes, General Colin Powell, as punishment for them, I’ll be damned if I ever vote Republican any time soon. But you can damn hell rest assured that this being “Flori-DUH,” my one, lone vote for Independents, self-proclaimed “public servants” and candidates who net under $50,000, in upcoming local and national elections, will probably drown in the same “Us versus THEM and their taxes” chorus that has been playing in this state for decades on end. God help us all…
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